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Coder of systems, lover of languages, follower of Christ. 台灣女婿
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This week, I’ve had a flirt with neovim/lazyvim. It’s awesome. I totally dig it. Emacs is awesome too. It can run lazyvim in a buffer and provide a pretty good user experience switching between the two worlds.

Here, you see Emacs’s vterm mode runnig lazyvim with LSP/java set up, giving us auto completion and well rendered documentation.

I did it just for kicks, but it actually works quite well!

#emacs #vim #neovim #lazyvim #java #lsp

Here, you see Emacs's vterm mode runnig lazyvim with LSP/java set up, giving us auto completion and well rendered documentation.
Here, you see Emacs's vterm mode runnig lazyvim with LSP/java set up, giving us auto completion and well rendered documentation.
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