skybert's Blog

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Coder of systems, lover of languages, follower of Christ. 台灣女婿
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It was pretty cold today, -28°C, but the weather and nature were spectacular and the tracks were great, giving me an amazing day, skiing from the north to the south end of the forest.

Grateful, happy and knackered.

#skiing #crosscountryski #norway

Me in the snowy and icy cold forest. Frost everywhere, beard, eye brows and eye lashes.
Me in the snowy and icy cold forest. Frost everywhere, beard, eye brows and eye lashes.
Freshly made waffles in the cabin
Freshly made waffles in the cabin
View from cabin in the forest
View from cabin in the forest
Just got off the train in the morning, the adventure is about to begin!
Just got off the train in the morning, the adventure is about to begin!
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