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Coder of systems, lover of languages, follower of Christ. 台灣女婿
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The Moosync download options are impressive. Not only do they have DEB and RPM, but also AppImage and last but not least, .pacman packages for Arch Linux.

I like AppImages because they’re so simple and totally self contained without the need of anything else, in contrast to Flatpaks and Snaps.

I like the .pacman package because Arch is what I run myself. And I find it a sign that Arch Linux is now a popular alternative for desktop Linux.

Lastly, the support DEBs and RPMs, because that’s after all (still) what most people will be running. Moosync thus shows that they truly understand the desktop Linux landscape.

Well done, Moosync! 👏

#linux #appimages #archlinux

Moosync download options include deb, rpm, pacman, tar.gz and AppImage.
Moosync download options include deb, rpm, pacman, tar.gz and AppImage.
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